Monday 2 March 2015

The 'facilitating ghost' Debut - A True Story

Date    : 21/7/2014
Time   : 5.30 pm
Venue :My House

Yesterday I was back at 5.30 pm.I was glad that my landlady was not at home as she is one prying woman who picks on the silliest things imaginable. Shortly after entering the house, I walked to the kitchen to wash my lunch box. Afterwards, I decided to cook something for dinner. As I walked towards the dustbin to dispose the leftovers,I noticed that the back door was open about three quarters apart. However, the iron grill was locked. I decided not to close the door as I wanted to get back at my landlady for being careless herself. It was around six thirty in the evening when it happened.

You see, the stove in my kitchen faces the "shutter like" pane windows which were apparently closed.The sky was still bright actually. As I was cooking, I noticed something which looked like a faint white shadow passing by right outside the window as if gliding but not in a walking motion. I'm pretty sure I saw something lucidly moving across but I couldn’t really figure out what it was. For a while I thought it was the landlady who had returned home. Instinctively, I opened the shutters to see if it was her as I have to mention that she is infamously creepy at times. Surprisingly, there was no one there! For a while, I thought that someone had come to the house and so I decided to take a look. As I was about to walk out of the kitchen, I actually noticed that the back door which was earlier open, was now shut close!!

I was confused for a while as I was darn sure that no one else was at home except the both of us. My daughter came running to me giggling away from the living room when she saw me coming out from the kitchen. That affirms the fact that she was not in the kitchen either. I stood still for a while trying to figure out how did the door get closed by itself? I was very sure that the weather was not windy either. Even if it was, I am sure I would have heard the loud thud of the door!!Soon after my landlady came home, I asked her if she had come home in between to which she answered "NO". When I narrated the incident to her, with a quirky look on her face as if she knew something, she gave a sinister smile and responded:"Next time, don’t feed your daughter food outside the house and don’t let her play outside the house very late in the evenings. Things like this are normal around here. I told you the other day itself when you car alarm went off that day but you didn't believe me." Only then I knew that the rental package included 'ghostly facilitators' who 'helped' you set your car alarm off and close doors for you as well, when needed. 

After the very fruitful conversation with my landlady, I got back to my room going about doing my normal routine. Before going to sleep at about 11.45 pm, I did my usual prayers requesting for a protection from any bad entities. As I was meditating, I heard someone knocking my room door twice. I called out but no one replied. Right then, I paused, swallowed some air and in my mind's voice I said,"Whatever "you" are…your debut was good and one of a kind, but I can't promise you a role even in the local movies but please spare me your reappearances after this and for the ghostly antics, thanks again for closing the door, it's appreciated but it will not be necessary after time. I am going to sleep now." Let's hope it's a decent ghost with good manners and knows that it's rude to disturb and play with people's car alarm and doors... 

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